Name | Type | Description |
aria-current | Enum:page step location date time true false | Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements. |
no-tabbing | boolean | When true the component will not add itself to the tab queue. Default is false. |
generate-header | Enum:none default sticky | Whether the grid should automatically generate a header row and its type |
grid-template-columns | string | String that gets applied to the the css gridTemplateColumns attribute of child rows |
selection-mode | Enum:none single-row multi-row single-cell multi-cell | Indicates the selection mode. |
rowsData | any[] | Array of objects representing the rows of the grid. |
Name | Event Type | Description |
click | MouseEvent | Fires when a pointing device button (such as a mouse's primary mouse button) is both pressed and released while the pointer is located inside the element. |
focus | FocusEvent | Fires when the element receives focus. |
blur | FocusEvent | Fires when the element loses focus. |
keydown | KeyboardEvent | Fires when a key is pressed. |
keyup | KeyboardEvent | Fires when a key is released. |
input | Event | Fires when the value of an element has been changed. |
cell-click | unknown | Event that fires when a cell is clicked |
Name | Description |
default | Default slot. |
Name | Type | Description |
selectionModeChanged | `(oldValue: 'none' | 'single-row' |